Tuesday 21 November 2017

On page Optimization in SEO

                                                           On page Optimization

onpage optimization

In the search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on the  Web site or Web page listing in a search results. Onpage optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.

Head section optimization  

Head section optimization mainly focuses on the snippet  and it  includes seo title, url, and meta description.
Snippet can make more attractive by using the star rating  is termed as rich snippet.

Define the title of your web page or document. They’re mostly used to display preview snippets of our web pages. When we are  writing our title tag, it should be always short, clear and does not contain  but  duplicate content from the page content. 


The ideal length of a title should  50 – 60 characters or 512 pixelIf our title tag exceed 60 characters, Google will only show the first 60 characters.Google cannot display long sentences which have more than 512 pixel width ,When it exceed more than 60 characters, The google should  display the search result as

The title tag represents the whole content of your webpage. So we must care about these things, the things we should take care of are, there should not be spelling mistakes, No grammatical errors, Title should be bold. The title must be clear and impressive, Never use the same title to all your web pages, that means the title should be unique


A URL is mainly used to point webpage, a component of a webpage or a program on a website. The resource name consists of:
·                     A domain name identifying a server or the web service.
·                     A program name or a path to the file on the server. 

Meta description   

Meta description is a short description about the web services and focusing ares also an important one. We cannot avoid it and  if we does not give meta description, The google automaticaly take the   contain as meta description. 
So we must care about these things
·                     Short description.
·                     Limit with in 20 words. 
·                     Unic

 For  a page the meta description should be in 155 to 160, That is pixel width of 1024.

Body section optimization

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 are the body tags. H1 tag is the  identity part of body section. H1 tag are  generally used for main heading. 8 words can be used in H1 tag.  If the H1 is not specified, google take heading from H2 tag. The important part of body section is H1.


sand box

Sandbox is temporary storage space. In computer security, a sandbox is a security mechanism for separating running programs, usually in an effort to mitigate system failures or software vulnerabilities from spreading. It is often used to execute untested or untrusted programs or code, possibly from unverified or untrusted third parties, suppliers, users or websites, without risking harm to the host machine or operating system..

Content optimization

Content is the most descriptive  part of the  website. Content can be a text, link, images or any other things. The main part or visible part of content is anchor text which is hyperlink added to the text. Hyperlink can act as a  link. So focused keyword should not be used as anchor text. 
Rules which be followed  content  is writing are
·                     Starting sentence can be  include focusing keyword.
·                     Use simple sentences upto 20 words.
·                     Put space before full stop and comma. 

Keyword Density

The keyword density which specify the  number of keywords appears on that page compared to the total number of words on that page.  2-5%  is the normal way and keyword density depends upon the length of the content. 

Sunday 19 November 2017

History and Evolution of SEO

                         History and Evolution of SEO

                   Google was founded by Larry page and team in 1998 as their PhD project. In the beginning, when a user search in google, the result was given back to them in 24 hours through their email. Later expand the facility by giving instant search results. 
The triggering point to the rapid growth of google was the world trade center terrorist attack of 11 September 2001. The people from all over the world enquire about world trade center in google search engine. But Google couldn’t give enough information about the world famous construction.This incident made them think about the issue. They took it as a serious issue and conducted a meeting to discuss on the same and to solve the related issues. They discussed why they were unable to provide enough information  and found that most of the websites were unable to crawl by google due to huge size of websites. They found a solution for crawling and to enlarge the database by sharing the guidelines to optimize the website to the webmasters. If the webmasters  follow the guidelines google, will be able to crawl maximum number of websites and can enlarge the database.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's results. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, or natural search results on search engines.

On-page optimization

In the search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on  Web site or Web page listing in a search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.

Off-page optimization

In search engine optimization, off-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on the Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are off-site in that they are not controlled by you or the coding on your page. Examples of off-page optimization include things such as link popularity and page rank

Search engine works based on crawling, Caching and indexing

  • Crawling : Crawling is the process of scanning the websites to get information about that website. After taking snapshot it is saved in the database.
  • Caching   : caching is the process of fetching information from the website and storing it in the database.
  • Indexing  : Indexing is the process of listing the fetched web pages. 


Page-rank  is the trust value of websites ranked by Google. Page-rank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. 
Google takes 200+ factors into consideration to determine the rank of webpages. Google has not exposed all the quality factors.
Page-rank evaluates the quality and quantity of links to a webpage to determine a relative score of that page’s importance and authority on a 0 to 10 scale.

Passing the Juice

When a website with high page rank give more number of links to other website with lower page-ranks, the page rank of  the website decreases. The website should have a balanced link juice distribution to maintain the best page rank.

rel=”no follow”

rel="Nofollow" provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines "Don't follow links on this page" or "Don't follow this specific link." Equity wont pass if we add rel=”nofollow”
<a href=www.sooftloom.com rel=”nofollow”>softloom</a>

During the period 2003 to 2008 Google made some drastic changes in the algorithem, But they did it with fear. Introduction of Google add words was one of the move they made during the period. 
Google AdWords is an online advertising service developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display their advertisement in the google. AdWords is one of the Google's main source of revenue. 

AdWords offers services such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in which an advertiser has to pay when the ad is clicked.
The very next advertisement method they introduced was the Adsense. After 2008, Google introduce many free social media websites like Orchud, Youtube, Gmail etc.
In 2009 they came up with a very powerful updation, Personize search in which the search engine gives the search suggestions according to the person using the web.

Then google made an updation in 2009 such that the ranking of a website is based on the response in the website. 

Pogo sticking

When a user selects the website A and suddenly closes it in seconds and then opens an Website B and spends more time on it, the google will rank the website B more than A. It can also be  the problem with page loading or attracting the wrong audience, Google and other search engines will come to the conclusion that your page is ranking by mistake and makes your rank drop. 
In 2010 google took social media as a ranking weapon due to the influence of the social media in the society.
After 2011 they understood the need and importance of quality search engine and made many drastic changes in the algorithm.

Google Updations

Major Google updations were Google Panda updation, Penguin updation, Pegion Updation, Hummingbird updation and Pirate updation

Google Panda updation

The Google panda updation of 2011 was based on the content spamming aimed to lower the rank of low quality sites and to provide higher quality sites at the top of the search results. Content duplication or content plagiarism, Grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, Thinny pages(less content pages) and content spinning were considered under content spamming. Later on 2014 a major updation of panda, Panda 4.0 remove many of the content spamming websites and permanently set as a filter in the Google algorithm.

Penguin updation

The penguin updation of 2012 was based on the link spamming.. The update is aimed at removing or decrease the ranking of  websites who manipulate the number of links pointing to the page. 
Link exchange, Paid Links (selling and buying of links), Link forming(developing links using applications), Comment spamming, Wiki spamming, Guest blogging when it is done in excess  etc are considered as offence in penguin updation.

Pigeon updation

Pegion updation is the updation for locally visible websites (local Seo)
For a local seo we should mark google business place, must add the address, Pin, phone number in the service page on the website, Add the website details to local directories, must do the geo tagging and local interaction in social media like facebook, twitter etc

Humming Bird updation

Humming bird is the semantic search update is all about improving results for  search, making the search engine much better at answering specific user questions, rather than just picking certain keywords within a query. Giving detailed information on a word. Rank brain is the updated version of semantic search.

Pirate Update

Pirate update is the updation made  DMCA(US Digital Millennium copy-write Act)
The website will be subjected to file a complaint when they copy the contents.

Parked domain update

It is an updation made in 2014 in order to remove the parked domains. Parked domains are additional domains bought to add in your website. They wont change all the domains to a website, Thus it is a parked domain. Google made this updation in order to remove all the parked domains from the rank list.

Exact match domain

An exact match domain is a domain name that precisely matches a search query that will likely drive traffic to your website.

Mobilegeddon update

Mobilegeddon update is a google mobile friendly update made in 21 April 2015 in order to remove all the non mobile friendly websites.